10 Fragen an Anina Tepnadse.
1. Which impact has Tbilisi on your own work?
Tbilisi acts like on of the characters in my short stories. Reviving location with it´s unique characteristics is vital in order to create the sense of credibility.
2. What do you like about Tbilisi? What is annoying you?
I love that Tbilisi never sleeps. You can catch a Taxi at 4 am with no difficulties but the traffic annoys the hell out of me.
3. How is your experience with the Literature Szene in Tbilisi?
I’m not quite a part of the literature circles in Tbilisi. I used to be 7-8 years ago but not any more. That does not mean that I don’t like the Georgian writers. Far from that. I just don’t like going to book events, I prefer to go to bookstores and buy the new books on my own.
4. On which project are you working right now?
I’m translating Oxford’s book „Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction“.
5. How do you bring yourself in a mood for your writing? Which capabilities, which writing-environment and atmosphere do you need?
I usually write at night and I know that it sounds very basic. I need several cups of coffee and serenity.
6. How do you develop a literature text?
Usually, when I start writing I already know all the details of the text. I write in my mind all the time. I don’t know much about structure so I edit and edit and edit until I get it right.
7. How much time do you spend with your writing per week? Are you satisfied with that time?
I feel very ashamed of this but I write 2-3 hours a week. Not more. I’m not satisfied with this amount of work but I got 4 other jobs to do, so I have no choice.
8. On which current social topics are you interested right now? And do there have impact on your writing?
Right now I’m interested in gaps between generation and cultural shifts that come along with political changes. Also, I’m quite interested in LGBT rights.
9. How did you become a writer?
I honestly don’t know.
10. How do you use the internet and social media platforms for your writing and as a place for presentation?
When I started writing I did not want to publish my stories. I thought (and still think) blog was/is the ideal home for them. I also work in Digital Marketing so I know all the tools for promoting my works.